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Attention ASM Members

Make Some Serious Cash in the Next Few Weeks Helping Other People Create Financial Freedom

Not So Long Ago, Someone Helped Change Your Life - Now It’s Time Pay It Forward… And Profit…

Think back to the moment you joined ASM…

How did you first find out about our 4-part video series? Or about one of our webinars that brought you in?

You either saw one of our ads online…

Or, more likely, someone recommended it to you! Either a current member or one of our amazing affiliate partners.

And that recommendation changed your life…

You saw a better future for yourself and your family.

You saw the vehicle to that better future.

You started creating more freedom - financial, location, time & mind freedom… You’re in control of your life. And you’re finally starting the journey to living your life under your own terms.

All from that one “Hey, check this out, you might be interested” recommendation…

You found ASM at the exact point in your life when you needed it most.

You took action. You followed the system. And are now making progress towards changing your life… the lives of your family members and friends… and the lives of other people around you.

Now, when we’re preparing to launch the 12th iteration of our ASM program, it’s time for YOU to change someone else’s life and recommend ASM to them! And make some nice profit.

And this ASM12 launch couldn’t come at a better time.

At the moment of writing this page, 38.6 million people filed for unemployment - and that’s in the US alone! You can just imagine the situation in other countries…

Billions of people around the world right now are stuck at home wondering what’s next.

Some will wait for government aid… Some will wait for the economy to get better and look for another job.

But some?

Some will finally realize that it’s time to take their financial life into their own hands. And they’ll want to find a way out of the current situation.

You and the Amazing team can show them that way out.

You see, despite the crisis and possible recession, online shopping is booming! $26.1 trillion dollars in retail sales are shifting online because of COVID-19.

And Amazon sits on the throne of the industry.

Amazon’s growth is so fast, that some analysts predict that Bezos could become the world’s first Trillionaire in the next 5-10 years.

With all that unstoppable growth, it’s clear that now is the best time in history to build an online business... Especially one selling your own brand of products on Amazon like you’re learning in ASM.

You have a unique opportunity to help people see the opportunity… take advantage of it… and change their lives for the better.

Your own small circle of influence needs a hero - be the hero they need…

You see, the average person has about 338 friends on Facebook.

You may have more. You have a bit less. That’s irrelevant.

Check your friends list… How many of them think of you as a wealthy person? How many of you look at what you’re doing and think: “Oh, I wish I could do that.”?

How many of them think you’re financially free?

How many of them live the lives of quiet desperation, dragging themselves to and from the job they hate - living from paycheck to paycheck?

And finally, how many of them you know who go from one job interview to another, always being rejected, or being offered lousy jobs?

You… me… all of us know at least 5 people who want financial freedom… Who NEED a way out of the financial swamp they fall into.

They’re looking for a way out.

And in your hands, you’re holding the ladder they can use to climb and get out.

You owe it to them to show them a way out.

Be the hero they need.

Reward Yourself in Maui this December

Let’s celebrate your success as an Amazing Ambassador together in Hawaii. 

If you get three or more people to sign up for ASM12 before 11:59 PM PST on June 22nd, 2020, you’re invited.

If you get five or more people, we’ll pay for your hotel for four nights.

If you get ten or more people, we’ll pay for your flight and hotel.

If you get twenty or more people, we’ll send you first class from anywhere in the world and book a luxurious suite for you.

You’ll join Matt Clark, Chairman of, elite members of the Amazing team, your fellow Amazing Ambassadors, and some special guests for two days of masterminding and fun on the sparkling beaches and water of Maui!

This is our reward to you for spreading the word about ASM - and helping us inspire people to change their lives forever.

Will you join us? 

Make Extra Money Just By Sharing Your Story

How Anne Made An Extra $9,000 Only With Sharing Her Personal Experience With People Around Her…

This is Anne.

She’s a fellow ASM student and Amazon seller. She joined us in ASM7 and started selling in 2018.

Like many sellers, she didn't come into this business with bags full of money. After she left her corporate job, and moved to Costa Rica, she had very limited funds to start with. 

In fact…

Anne had to borrow money from her mom so she could order her first inventory.

She had nothin’ but her GRIT

Her persistence to SUCCEED.

And know what? She did.

NOT ONLY had she replaced her income from her corporate job, but she managed to 3x it.

Seeing how well she's doing and how she managed to cut her working hours from 18h to only 2-3h, her friends and family asked for help.

I mean, if you saw your friend killing themselves and then figure out how to work 1/5 the amount of time and make 3 times the income, wouldn’t you want to know how she did it?

This was around the time when the ASMX launch came.

And Anne saw it as a great opportunity to help her friends and family. 

To simply recommend them the same program that helped her. And make some extra cash along the way.

She signed up as an ASMX affiliate… Got her affiliate link… And started sharing it with her friends and family.

No advertising. No promoting. Zero hard selling.

And guess what?

Simply by sharing her personal journey with people around her, she managed to become one of our top 20 affiliates for that launch!

This brought her in over $8,500 in well as a $500 bonus for making it into the top 20!

$9,000… just by sharing her journey with a few friends and family. 

Think you can do that too? 

Can you share your story with the people around you and answer their questions about starting an Amazon business?

Make Extra Money Just By Sharing Your Story

“But I Don’t Have Some Big Results To Show For, I Just Got Started…”

That’s a valid concern.

But completely unfounded…

Let me tell you a quick story.

David Copperfield is one of the greatest entertainers who ever lived.

And one of the highest-paid, too. 

So when you ask other magicians who's their idol and what do they want their career to look like, you'd expect for Copperfield's name to come up.

But in most cases, it doesn't.

In fact, when you talk to other magicians, their goal is not to make millions of dollars and fill stadiums.

Their goal is to have enough gigs so they can quit their day jobs and be magicians full-time.

And magicians who've done it are their role models and their inspiration.

So why am I telling you this?

Because this is also the case in the business of selling on Amazon.

You see, people who want to start selling on Amazon don’t necessarily look at 7-figure sellers as role models.

For them, it may just seem like it’s outta reach at this moment...

They look MORE at people who are making a few hundred to a few thousand dollars extra a month as role models.

That's their first goal. To start making enough money on the side to pay the bills. Then enough to quit their jobs. And then, maybe, they'll have bigger goals.

And that's why you don't need to be a mega-successful seller to be able to inspire people to start their own business on Amazon.

Your previous struggles will inspire them. Your journey. Your first sale.

To them, YOU are the role model they want to follow.

And that's why you're a perfect person to introduce them to Amazing Selling Machine 12.

Make Extra Money Just By Sharing Your Story

You Don’t Need A Huge Email List To Make An Impact…

During our past few ASM launches, some of the top affiliates were people with huge audiences.

People like Robert Kiyosaki, Stefan James, Mike Dillard, and Ryan Moran.

And some of our partners feel discouraged because they don't have a big list. 

But let me tell you, you DO NOT need a huge list to make a good affiliate commission as an ASM partner.

In fact, you don't even need a list.

Athena Severi didn't have one.

Athena joined ASM some 5 years ago. She had no list. No online influence. No audience whatsoever.

But what she DID have was much more important - a desire to help people around her change their lives as well.

And so she started recommending ASM to people in her own circle of influence - family and friends.

Now, she's one of our top partners, despite the fact that she's NOT an influencer. Or someone with thousands of people on her list.

We asked Athena to share some of her experiences as an ASM partner without a list. This was her message:

"I started ASM about 5 years ago. 

At the time I was working a full-time job and my friend at work mentioned that he was quitting his job because he started selling kitchen products on Amazon. 

I became very interested! I signed up for ASM and launched my first product. 

I was so appreciative to have found the opportunity to make money from home as a mom with two small boys, I wanted others to have the same opportunity even before I knew there was an affiliate opportunity. 

I posted about my first product and how excited I was to finally have found something I could do from home that was a legit business. 

And I asked if any of my friends would be curious about being able to do the same. 

I had a TON of comments from friends and contacts on my normal Facebook - no list. I posted it in a mommy group I created a while ago and on my normal timeline. I was a VERY normal person - not a marketer - I had no list and no experience.

After people commented that there were interested - I personally sent them messages with the links provided by Amazing. 

I'd put them in a closed group where I would then do a lot of posting of the webinars and videos available to me… And I would do occasional Facebook lives (optional) so I could freely communicate with the people who were interested without bothering the rest of the people on my friends list. 

I ended up making tens of thousands of dollars from this. 

And the best part is many of those original people are still selling on Amazon today and it truly changed their lives. 

It changed mine, too."

Tens of thousands of dollars…

With no list…

Simply by helping people in her own personal circle of influence.

Athena proved it's possible.

And I'm sure it's possible for you as well.

Make Extra Money Just By Sharing Your Story

Become An ASM12 Affiliate Today - Help Us Change More Lives - And Earn Hefty Commissions…

Starting this June 2nd, 2020, you have the chance to participate in the biggest affiliate opportunity of the year.

You’ll earn 40% in commissions PER SALE just by sharing this opportunity with your family and friends. That comes out to be $1,998.80 to $2,392.80 depending if they take the 6 payment plan!

Plus, there’s a MASSIVE affiliate prize pool of nearly $200,000! 

This is our largest prize pool ever! 

And the first place winner will get $50,000. 

Depending on the size of your network and the relationships to have, you could very well make tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in commissions and prizes this June just by sharing ASM12. 

And you’ll change countless lives in the process, including the lives of those you’re closest to.

Click the button below now to apply to be an affiliate for the upcoming ASM12 launch right now!

We can’t wait to change lives together!

Most Frequently Asked Questions…

Q: How do I make sales if I have never done affiliate marketing before

A: You do not need to be an affiliate marketer to make sales. There are many other ways our members have made sales of ASM in the past. You can concentrate on your close friends and family. 

You can also make posts about ASM on your social media pages. Just information about ASM with a link at the end saying something like for more info go and check it out. If you are doing well you can include your results and experience.

Q: I am not yet making significant sales and revenue, how do I show people they should join?

A: Talk about your experience of the training and your belief in the program. We have numerous success stories we will share in the main sales videos and calls which you can point to for validation.

Q: How do I promote without feeling like I am spamming my friends and family

A: Don’t actually “promote”. Just talk about what you are doing and any successes you have or people you know in the course have had. The best way to do this is on social media

There is never any need to “pester” your friends and family. Give them the information and let them ask you questions. If you are active on social media then create a private group where people can go to get answers

Q: Won’t getting more people to join ASM just mean more competition for my business

A: Amazon is growing at a much faster rate than the rate we are adding members. Plus you have a big advantage over new members as you have started before them

Q: I don’t want friends and family to know what I am currently doing

A: This is more difficult to deal with. Being able to talk about your experience with the program is a big advantage. If you really want to keep what you do a secret then you can always just post about the course saying a friend told you they were doing it or something similar

Q: How do I reach people outside my close circle

A: If you are not an affiliate marketer then the only way you can really do this is to get your friends and family to share your posts to their circle. They don't have to contact them directly simply sharing your Facebook post on their timeline will do the trick

Q: I am worried about what happens if my friends sign up through me and blame me if they are not successful

A: At the end of the day just like any member, their success will depend on them. The program works for people who put the effort in. If you encourage them to post in the community and ask for our help we will make sure they do succeed

Make Extra Money Just By Sharing Your Story

Earn Anywhere From A $1,000 To $100,000 Or More In Just A Couple Weeks!
Has ASM changed what’s possible in your life? 

Do you know people that could radically transform their realities if they joined ASM?

If the answer is YES, we want to pay you to share your success story! 

This summer, we’re releasing a brand new, completely updated version of ASM that you get access to FOR FREE.  

We’ve redone it all from top to bottom, to teach the latest strategies for finding and launching products, and even created more tools to help you grow your business even faster.

Now you have a chance to help other people change their lives, and make a serious amount of money quickly by helping spread the word.

Three Ways To Earn So You Can Put Cash Back Into Growing Your Business

When you sign up to become an Ambassador, we’ll give you a special tracking link.

All you have to do is share your experience with ASM through social media or email, and we’ll pay you for every person who joins ASM who clicked your link. 

Get Paid for Each Friend You Refer For to ASM

For every person you refer to ASM, you’ll earn a sales commission of up to $1,495.50*

Enter the $100,000 Ambassador Sales Contest 

As an Ambassador, you’ll automatically be entered into our Sales Contest with a $100,000 prize pool. 
At the end of June, we will announce 30 winners who’ve referred the most friends to ASM. 
Prizes start at $500 and go all the way up to $30,000 for the 1st place winner. 

Win a Gold Ambassador Bonus 

If 4 people you refer join ASM, we’ll send you a $1,000 Gold Ambassador Bonus!

You don’t have to be a professional affiliate marketer or social media influencer to earn sales commissions or even win some of that prize money.  

We’ve seen many regular ASM members who have NEVER done any affiliate marketing make it to the top 10 just by sharing their story and referring people to check out the free ASM training!

Just last launch, ASM members George Benton & Michelle Se each won extra cash in the Ambassador Sales Contest. 

Build a life you love & deserve. Leverage the massive power of Amazon FBA with my help to generate financial freedom for yourself from home- or anywhere in the world.

-Michelle Se

I am so thrilled. Two of my friends joined. I am so happy for them. I feel like they just did something huge for their life like being baptized or something.

-George Benton

Sign up to become an ambassador today, and start earning extra cash for YOUR business in just a few weeks. 

*The claims presented on our website are not represented as predictions or forecasts that anyone who joins will experience success. Concerning future performance or results, no guarantee of any kind is implied. Individual results will vary depending on many factors outside our control, including the degree of effort made by each individual and the time, skill and ability they can devote to the business. Although these claims are truthful statements about results obtained by our customers, the results obtained by our customers are not necessarily typical. Some customers have little to no profit.
**Individual(s) has a financial relationship with LLC and/or other Amazing legal entities

*$1495.50 based on 6 payments of $997 @25% commission. 


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